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Imagine getting into the office to find your email or phone system isn’t working, or worse, your entire wireless network is down for one reason or another. Information technology isn’t foolproof, that’s simply an unavoidable fact. While proactive monitoring and maintenance goes a long way to prevent any issues from arising (assuming you’re not relying on break/fix services but a managed services approach instead), that’s not entirely foolproof, either. So, what do you do when something goes wrong?

You can’t wait hours, or worse, days for information technology issues to be resolved. You simply can’t afford that kind of downtime in today’s day and age where businesses are entirely dependent on their information technology. In fact, studies show an hour of downtime costs the average business $100,000 – that’s a pretty shocking number, isn’t it? Can you afford to throw away $100,000?

That amount comes from lost revenue, lost business opportunities, and the support needed to recover equipment. It might sound drastic, but consider an existing or potential customer who needs something from you. If they can’t get what they need when it’s convenient for them, they’re going to find what they need elsewhere.

Now think about your employees – sitting around with nothing to do as they wait for the information technology issue to be resolved. They don’t have the tools they need to work productively, which influences their morale greatly. As you can see, downtime simply isn’t an option.

When you need help, you need it fast. You can’t be waiting for some overseas company to access your system remotely and try to figure out what’s going on. You need someone who can be there, in person, right away. That someone should be AVAVAPRO , we’re right in the neighborhood after all!

Most companies like to save money wherever they can. That’s understandable. However, saving money on your technical support isn’t always a great idea. While it’s incredibly affordable to outsource to an overseas company that provides remote support, remote support simply can’t resolve all technical issues that arise.

When you choose to work with a local IT company  like AVAVAPRO, you can rest assured knowing:

  • We’re accessible: We’re in YOUR neighborhood, which means any issues that occur can be resolved right away, in real-time. We’re even able to address issues in their early stages, because we monitor around-the-clock for anything that might come up.

  • We’re predictable: Our prices are incredibly predictable as we offer managed IT services wherein you pay a flat-rate monthly fee for everything you need, including proactive monitoring and maintenance, as well as onsite or remote support.

  • We’re familiar: You get to meet our technicians and build a relationship with our team (we’re pretty great, I promise!) and in addition, we’ll be familiar with your hardware and software. This means we’ll be able to work quickly to resolve issues that arise.

  • We’re able to resolve everything: A lot of remote support only, overseas companies won’t tell you this, but there’s a multitude of issues that can’t be resolved remotely at all. We can resolve everything, such as hardware failure, physical equipment damage, power failure, and more.

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